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Product ID 9781591281658

Introductory Logic: The Fundamentals Of Thinking Well - Student Text

Introductory Logic Student Text (5th Edition)
Logic is the art of reasoning well--of learning to think God's thoughts after him. In this student text book, James Nance provides homeschoolers with a thorough introduction to logical thought.

Students will be introduced to the basic terms and definitions used in logic; statements and their relationships; syllogisms and their validity; arguments in normal English; and informal fallacies. Organized into five units, each lesson is followed by one or two exercises; units conclude with a set of review questions and review exercises. Important words and concepts are bolded in the lesson, and symbols on the side of the page denote definitions, key points, and cautions.

This 5th Edition was revised and updated in 2014, and features a new, clean, easy-to-read layout and answer spaces for all additional exercises in addition to the lesson exercises.

If working at a quick pace (3-5 classes/week) this course can be completed in one semester; at a slower pace (1-3 classes/week) this course can be completed in a year. Two sample schedules are provided for either pace. 36 lessons; perforated pages; consumable, non-reproducible workbook. NKJV Scripture used.
5th Edition
Grades 9-12
Price: $31.99
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