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Product ID 9780982181539

In The Footsteps of Darwin:

In The Footsteps of Darwin a Creationist Uncovers the Errors and Problems of the Evolutionary Theory by Brad Harrub

Not everyone has bought into the evolutionary theory. For many the evidence remains elusive or nonexistent. Brad Harrub, Ph.D. traveled to the Galapagos Islands, the place that initiated Darwin's thoughts on the origin of living things, to set the record straight. Dr. Harrub serves as your personal guide and will help you distinguish between the facts and myths about the origin of species.

Be prepared to leave Darwin�s theory in the cemetery.

Over 2 hours of video including:
1. The Truth About Darwin
2. Was Darwin Wrong?
3. Can A Christian Be An Evolutionist?

Product Details
* UPC: 9780982181539
* Source: Focus Press
* Time: 2:06
Price: $10.00
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