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Product ID 9780893154172

Crock Pot Living In A Pressure Cooker World

Crock Pot Living in a Pressure Cooker World by Teddy Butler Copeland

We all want instant results, don't we? We often become discouraged if things don't happen right away. Unfortunately, there aren't any quick fixes when it comes to dealing with stress. In fact, most any time we attempt to alter our lives, it's going to be a slow and deliberate process.

So don't give up if things in your world spiral out of control at times. The fast pace probably isn't going to go away any time soon. But just because we live in a pressure cooker world doesn't mean we have to stay all steamed up and spew out the top. We can turn our setting down to LOW. We can learn to simmer in God's love and blessings. Apply the principles of this little book but by bit, and you'll eventually see results.

* Introduction
* Take It Easy, You Will Last Longer
* All Stretched Out
* Things That Increase the Pressure
* How We Got Here
* Who's in Charge, Anyway?
* I Need a Little Space
* Where Does the Time Go?
* The Original Harried Homemaker
* Humor Helps
* Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
* Spontaneity
* Don't Be a Pheidippides
* The Art of Doing Nothing

Product Details
* Pub. Date: January 2007
* Publisher: Lambert Book House, Incorporated
* Format: Paperback
* ISBN-13: 9780893154172
* ISBN: 0893154172
Price: $9.95
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