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Product ID 9780890989043

Courageous Christian Women

How did everything get so crazy? This study looks back at 160 years of American culture to search for the answer. True solutions lie in the hearts and lives of Christians. However, we must be courageous enough to allow the Sword of the Spirit to reach into our hearts, correct our flaws, and strengthen us to live deliberate, rededicated lives for Christ. We must find the courage to live our faith, use our talents to positively affect our homes, congregations, and communities, and lead searching souls to the truth of the gospel.

Table of Contents
1—Courage to Consider the Problem
2—From Christian Culture to Counter-Culture
3—The Feminist Mistake
4—Source of Solutions (Part 1): The Authority of God
5—Source of Solutions (Part 2): Valuing Human Life
6—Finding Courage (Part 1): Our Weakness, God's Strength
7—Finding Courage (Part 2): The Surrender & Power of Prayer
8—Courage in Marriage: Choose to Submit to Your Husband
9—Courage as Mothers: Choose to Train Your Children
10—Courage in the Church (Part 1): Choose to Love Your Brothers and Sisters
11—Courage in the Church (Part 2): Choose to Embrace Your Place
12—Jesus, Hope of the Courageous

Pages: 176
Size: 6 x 9
Price: $13.99
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