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Product ID DGWJR24WB

Discovering God's Way 4 - Junior - Y2 B4 - Captivity And Return - WB

Discovering God's Way � Junior 2-4
By L'Von Qualls
This workbook studies the history of God's people from the fall of Jerusalem through the end of Old Testament inspiration. The material covers the historical books of Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther and the prophetic books originating in the time period.
The First Captives Taken to Babylon
Jeremiah Predicts Jerusalem's Destruction
The Fall of Jerusalem
Daniel's Life in Babylon
Ezekiel's Restoration Prophecies
The First Exiles Return to Jerusalem
Haggai and Zechariah Encouraged the People
Esther Saves God's People
More Exiles Return with Ezra
Nehemiah Returns to Build Jerusalem's Walls
Nehemiah Stops Mistreatment of the Poor
Final Celebrations and Dedication of the Wall
Reviewing the Period of Captivity and Return
Price: $10.99
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