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Product ID 9798873152988
Manufacturer Johnson, Aubrey

Bold Faith In A Disapproving World

The simplicity of God’s plan of salvation is heartening. The catch is that you must live and share your faith in a disapproving world. The pressure is on and growing every day. Will you shrink into the shadows and be silenced, or will you trust God and live your faith boldly? Stephen’s courage shows that it is possible to live faithfully and speak frankly despite all that Satan will do to deter you. Life is a test. It asks if your faith is more than skin-deep. Will you fold under pressure or rise to the occasion?

Never has there been a more thrilling time to be a Christian. The fields are ripe for harvest, and courageous laborers are needed to bring in the harvest (John 4.35). This book will inspire you to conquer timidity and become a contagious Christian with the boldness to stand up and speak up for Jesus. Evangelism is less technique than nerve. Stephen possessed the audacity of true faith, and his story will help you find your voice. “Do not fear, only believe” (Mark 5.36).
Price: $12.99
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