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Product ID 9781948805537

Change Agents And Churches Of Christ

Change Agents and Churches of Christ - a Study in Contemporary Problems with Change Agents among Churches of Christ by William Woodson

Bro. William Woodson, long time Bible teacher at Freed-Hardeman and David Lipscomb Universities, has done the brotherhood a great service in producing the book mentioned above. First published in 1994, the book is already in its fifth printing. The author has done a massive amount of research to document his conclusions. He examines in great detail the speeches and writings of Bros. Lynn Anderson, Rubel Shelly and Calvin Warpula, leading proponents of "change" who are receiving wide attention among our churches. He clearly identifies the items for which these brethren are agitating. Among them are reducing the Churches of Christ to the status of a denomination; toleration of instrumental music in worship; allowing women leadership roles in worship services; questioning the role of baptism in salvation; diminishing the authority of the Bible in the life and affairs of the church; promoting fellowship with denominational bodies, etc.

Product Details

2006February 1990
* Publisher: Sain
* Format: Paperback , 324pp
* Item: 530000007803
Price: $9.95
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