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Product ID 9781945127151

Fill My Heart

Fill My Heart
Not everyone is blessed to grow up in a Christian home or attend a Christian school. Many did not have Bible study in everyday life. It is easy to become overwhelmed with what we do not know:
-What does confession truly mean?
How do I teach others the gospel?
-How do I study God's Word?
-Why should I believe the internal evidence of the Bible?
-How was it possible for Isaiah, Daniel, and others to write of events that did not occur until hundreds of years after their deaths?
-How do I know when I am pleasing to God?

Fill My Heart will help any Christian in all these areas and more. Each of the 13 lessons ends with a section called "Growing Heart Habits." Learn how to study the Bible by focusing on just one word or one book of the Bible or one chapter of a book. All that's needed is a spiral notebook and a pen.

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