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Product ID 9781890947897

Answers To Evolution - Pamphlet

The Answers to Evolution pamphlet is a powerful tool to help young students to develop arguments that refute the evolution and Big Bang theory, among others. Using quotes and information from respected scientists, the pamphlet tackles 16 key questions regarding the theory of evolution and provides students with insight on the flaws of the theories. Here are a few of the 16 questions the pamphlet asks and answers:

Is Darwin's theory of evolution a fact?
Does the fossil record support Darwin's theory?
What is the Big Bang Theory?

The pamphlet also offers clear explanations on topics such as:

Selective breeding
Microevolution vs. macroevolution
Punctuated equilibrium
The Cambrian Explosion

Answers to Evolutions helps Christian and Creationist communities take an informed position against evolutionary theories. Respected scientists offer solid Answers to Evolution in this pamphlet. Their answers to these 16 questions reveal the gaps and holes in evolution theories:

Is Darwin's Theory of Evolution a fact?
Is there any proof that evolution happened?
What is the Big Bang Theory?
Is the Big Bang Theory good news or bad news for the theory of evolution?
Can molecules of non-living matter be transformed by a natural process into the organic building blocks of life (proteins)?
Does the Miller-Urey experiment prove that organic life can be built by a natural process?
Do all scientists accept Darwin's theory of evolution at the cell level?
Do the changes in Galapagos finch beaks, or changes caused through selective breeding, prove that evolution takes place?
Does the fossil record support Darwin's theory?
What is the "Cambrian Explosion" and does it prove Darwin's theory?
Was there a gradual transition of an ape to man or the Eohippus (primordial horse) to the modern horse?
What is punctuated equilibrium and does it solve the problem of "missing links"?

These questions are covered in the pamphlet: Is Darwin's Theory of Evolution a fact? Is there any proof that evolution happened? What is the Big Bang Theory? Is the Big Bang Theory good news or bad news for the theory of evolution? Can molecules of non-living matter be transformed by a natural process into the organic building blocks of life (proteins)? Does the Miller-Urey experiment prove that organic life can be built by a natural process? Do all scientists accept Darwin's theory of evolution at the cell level? Do the changes in Galapagos finch beaks, or changes caused through selective breeding, prove that evolution takes place? Does the fossil record support Darwin's theory? What is the "Cambrian Explosion" and does it prove Darwin's theory? Was there a gradual transition of an ape to man or the Eohippus (primordial horse) to the modern horse? What is punctuated equillibrium and does it solve the problem of "missing links"?
Price: $4.99
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