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Product ID 9781732666108

Proclaimed: Jesus The Messiah: A Study Of Mark

Proclaimed: Jesus The Messiah: A Study Of Mark
Without question, the most captivating story known to mankind is that of the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Mark’s account of the salvation brought to mankind through the man Jesus Christ is artfully interwoven with intrigue, secrets, and miraculous occurrences. Through Mark’s Gospel account we are given the amazing opportunity to hear the words of Jesus as He commands a storm to still, demons to flee, and a dead child to arise and walk. We are able to see His humanity and emotion as He prepares His apostles for the most important job the world has ever known in the face of constant animosity, criticism, and disappointment. Join us as we study the Gospel account of Mark in which he has Proclaimed: Jesus the Messiah!
Price: $11.99
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