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Product ID 9781609990541

Daily Encouragement For The Homeschool Mothers

Daily Encouragement for Homeschooling Mothers is upbuilding and practical. It offers specific ideas to help women love their husbands and children and be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, and subject to their husbands. The format is simple. Each page gives encouragement for one day and has one principle that can be implemented that very day. Each of the thirty-one principles--one for each day of the month--is based on Titus 2. Just take a few minutes each day to read and reflect, and then put Titus 2 into practice. Full-color photographs throughout. Hardcover with ribbon bookmark. 43 pages. "You are a heroine. I know there are days when you don’t feel like a heroine at all. On those days you need encouragement. In these pages, I have shared God’s Word and my heart from my little corner of the world." –Charlene
Price: $9.95
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