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Product ID 9781450727617

Liberty VS Power

Liberty VS Power: The Founding Fathers' Vision for America by Timothy D. Johnson

Increasingly, Americans look to government to solve problems and provide the necessities of life. While government can solve some problems and does have a role to play, it cannot provide all of our needs. In recent decades Americans seem to understand our founding principles less and less, and that is primarily because they have been exposed to them less and less. For some, Liberty vs Power, will be a reminder of what they already know, but for others this essay will shed light on the uniqueness of the Founders' vision and the magnitude of our responsibility in maintaining the freedom that they handed down to us.

Product Details
* Pub. Date: August 2010
* Publisher: Trig Publishing
* Format: Paperback, 80pp
* ISBN-13: 9781450727617
Price: $9.95
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