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Product ID 9780929540641

Golden Bubbles: A Grandmother Journey Through Grief

Golden Bubbles narrates a grandmother's perception of lessons learned from the terminal lymphoma of her granddaughter Alyson. This book is more than memories. It is a symphony of life. How did Edna Butterfield learn? From observing doctors, nurses, friends, relatives, strangers, preachers, church members, and most of all from being near Alyson. From them, she learned how to share, serve, wait, and pray. What did she learn? What to say, what not to say, where to go, who to call, how to fall into grief, and how to cope with the hundreds of responses from well-meaning acquaintances. She learned gratitude. Her reflections are touching, but uplifting. Her grown-up, practical approach is refreshing. You don't have to cheer me up, just be there, she observes. Golden Bubbles begins with death, but it ends with life and hope.
Price: $8.95
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