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Product ID 9780891124863

Directions for Disciples - Studies In The Gospel Of Luke

Directions for Disciples: Studies in the Gospel of Luke by Tony Ash

What does it mean to follow Christ?
If I obey Jesus Christ, what difference will it make in my life?
What does Jesus Expect of me?
How can I be a Christian and still make so many mistakes?
If you've ever wrestled with questions like these - you're in good company. In Directions for Disciples. Tony Ash shows you that everyone who has ever considered the radical calling of Christ has had the same questions. Even more important, you'll also learn the answers to the questions, straight from the heart of Jesus.

Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1
2 Luke 1:1-2:52 9
3 Luke 3:1-4:15 17
4 Luke 4:16-6:11 23
5 Luke 6:12-8:56 31
6 Luke 9:1-50 39
7 Introduction to the Central Section 47
8 Central Section: The Seriousness of Discipleship 55
9 Specifics of Discipleship: Love 65
10 Specifics of Discipleship: Faith 71
11 Specifics of Discipleship: The Danger of Faith in 'Things' 81
12 Specifics of Discipleship: The Danger of Faith in Self 91
13 Blessings of Discipleship 99

Product Details
* ISBN: 0891124861
* ISBN-13: 9780891124863
* Format: Textbook Paperback, 105pp
* Publisher: Abilene Christian University Press
* Pub. Date: January 2002
Price: $9.95
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