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Product ID 9780890989210

27 Books In 13 Weeks

27 Books in 13 Weeks
Twenty-seven Books in Thirteen Weeks provides an easy-to-use framework for getting an overview of the New Testament and its major characters. It includes:

-A study guide for the New Testament
-Main characters in the New Testament
-The relationship and chronology of the New Testament books
-Application of New Testament stories
-A plan for student participation
-Fact, thought, and discussion questions
-The geography of the times
-Table of Contents

Format of the Lessons
1: Introduction to the New Testament Books
2: Birth and Early Life of Jesus
3: Teachings of Jesus
4: Parables and Miracles
5: Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus
6: Acts: The Early Church (Acts 1-8)
7: Acts: Converting the Lost (Acts 9-12)
8: Acts: Three Missionary Journeys (Acts 13-22)
9: Acts: Paul's Trials & Journey to Rome (Acts 23-28)
10: Epistles (Romans-Ephesians)
11: Epistles (Philippians-Titus)
12: Epistles (Philemon-Revelation)
13: Review
Price: $11.99
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