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Product ID 9780890988947
Manufacturer Eichman, Nancy

Expecting The Unexpected: Women's Surprising Interactions With Jesus

The Gospels are full of stories about Jesus' interactions with everyday people. He gave hope to the poor, the sick, the disabled, and the disenfranchised of all kinds of people—including the women. Although some taught that women were not to be seen or heard, Jesus disagreed. He gave women purpose, status, and validity. After years of being ignored and marginalized, they could find an inexpressible joy. They could discover a place to serve and embrace a deeper, fuller meaning in their lives.

"Through His interactions with women, He showed women how they should value themselves. He served as an example for men how they should treat women. He paved the way for the loving, yet pure brother/sister relationships in Christ that we can enjoy in the church today. How blessed we are that He came to save each one of us when the time was right!"

Join Nancy Eichman as she shows readers that they have those same opportunities today. Jesus still calls women to experience the same purposes and to find joy far beyond what you've come to know or even expect.

Table of Contents
Not What They Expected
1. Clashing Against Cultural Expectations
Going the Second Mile
2. Unexpected Hope: Anna the Prophetess
(Luke 2:21-38) Bridging the Women's Generation Gap
3. Unexpected Support: Mary, Jesus' Mother
(Luke 1-2, John 2:1-11) Serving Widows with Children
4. Unexpected Conversation: The Woman at the Well
(John 4:4-42) Overcoming Prejudice
5. Unexpected Joy: The Widow of Nain
(Luke 7:11-17) Comforting When Someone Loses a Child
6. Unexpected Forgiveness: The Sinful Woman
(Luke 7:36-50) Understanding Forgiveness
7. Unexpected Belonging: The Bleeding Woman
(Mark 5:24-34; Luke 8:43-48) Helping Someone on Hospice
8. Unexpected Privilege: The Canaanite Woman
(Matthew 15:21-28) Caring for the Caregiver
9. Unexpected Second Chance: The Adulterous Women
(John 7:53-8:11) Being There for Your Divorced Friend
10. Unexpected Perspective: The Crippled Woman
(Luke 13:10-17) Supporting the Seriously Ill and Injured
11. Unexpected Life: Martha
(John 11:1-44) Consoling the Sorrowful
12. Unexpected Approval: Mary, Martha's Sister
(Mark 14:3-9; Luke 10:38-42) Warming Up to Hospitality
13. Unexpected Good News: Mary Magdalene
(John 20:1-18) Encouraging Missionaries
Enhancing Your Study
Price: $14.99
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