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Product ID 9780890988794

Known Intimately, Loved Ultimately - Vol 2: The Babylonian Period

Known Intimately, Loved Ultimately - Vol 2: The Babylonian Period
From the fall of Nineveh to the closing chapters of the Old Testament, this study concludes a review of the Minor Prophets (Nahum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk, Obadiah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi).

Beginning in the Babylonian Period and looking ahead to the coming of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ, these books wrap up a study of nearly 400 years. These prophets leave us with an unforgettable portrait of a passionate Father. Even when Israel and Judah detach themselves from Yahweh, He continues to pursue them. He loves them enough to do whatever needs to be done to bring them back to Him.

And He does the same for us. Indeed, we are all known intimately and loved ultimately.
Price: $13.99
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