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Product ID 9780890983676

Controlling The Fires Of Anger

Controlling the Fires of Anger by Dr. Linsey Garmon

Anger is one letter short of danger. If allowed to smolder and ignite, the fires of anger can quickly burn out of control and cause great damage. The heat of anger will destroy your peace of mind. It will damage your body. It will devastate important relationships in your life. And worst of all, it can create a sin-barrier between you and God.Through the teachings of Jesus Christ, we no longer have to be victimized by sinful anger. We can be victors over this powerful and deadly force. Controlling the Fires of Anger will help you to understand your anger and formulate a plan to overcome it that is based on biblical principles. Without one, we are easily controlled by the evil one.It's time! Enough pain has been suffered. Enough damage has been done. We must open God's Word and learn Christian "mad skills." It is time to tap the powerful resources that God makes available to us so that we can learn "to be angry and sin not." (Ephesians 4:26-27)

Product Details
* ISBN: 0890983674
* ISBN-13: 9780890983676
* Format: Paperback, 118pp
* Publisher: 21st Century Christian
* Pub. Date: 2007
Price: $12.99
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