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Product ID 9780805446715

List, The

The List: Figuring Out Prince Charming, the Corner Office, and Happily Ever After by Marian Jordan

Every girl has her version of "The List" a handful of goals she wants to achieve (school, travel, career, marriage, children, etc.) by a certain age. But if those dreams don't come true according to schedule or they do but don't meet expectations what then?

Marian Jordan (Wilderness Skills for Women) says there's a better list to live by, a God-honoring, in-the-moment set of priorities that makes every season of life beautiful however long it may last. The biblical aspirations she prescribes and enthusiastically elaborates on are to Shine, Hope, Pursue Beauty, Seek First, and Dance. If a girl can embrace this list above all else, she may find herself already in the midst of her happily ever after.

Product Details

* Pub. Date: September 2009
* Publisher: B&H Publishing Group
* Format: Paperback, 176pp
* ISBN-13: 9780805446715
* ISBN: 0805446710
Price: $11.99
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