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Product ID 9780805445558

A Hope And A Future: Overcoming Discouragement

A Hope and a Future: Overcoming Discouragement by Don Wilton

For I know the plans I have for you; [this is] the LORD's declaration; plans for [your] welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (HCSB)

Don Wilton, whom Billy Graham refers to as his "TV pastor," reaches out in his new book to everyone from the "rat race to the rut-race" who may need a fresh word of hope and encouragement.

"It is time for you to know that all of God's Word is without error and is absolute in all of its truthfulness," he writes. "Jesus Christ came into my life and everything changed. This is where a hope and a future begin."

In A Hope and a Future, Wilton introduces readers to the power of God's Word, helps them establish biblical principles and apply those to everyday living, and guides them toward resolutions that can fill their lives with spiritual purpose instead of earthbound discouragement.

Product Details
* ISBN: 0805445552
* ISBN-13: 9780805445558
* Format: Paperback, 256pp
* Publisher: B&H Publishing Group
* Pub. Date: October 2009
Price: $14.50
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