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Product ID 9780310277101

Greek For The Rest Of Us

Developed by renowned Greek teacher William Mounce, this revolutionary crash-course on 'baby Greek' will acquaint you with the essentials of the language and deepen your understanding of God's Word. You'll gain a sound knowledge of basic Greek, and you'll learn how to use tools that will add muscle to your Bible studies. In six sections, Greek for the Rest of Us will help you: * Recite the Greek alphabet * Read and pronounce Greek words * Learn the Greek noun and verbal system * Conduct Greek word studies * Decipher why translations are different * Read better commentaries Greek for the Rest of Us broadens your knowledge still further with an appendix on biblical Hebrew. It also includes a CD-ROM for your computer featuring the author's class lectures in audio, combined with text and overheads.
Price: $29.99
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