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Product ID 105037DVD01

Bible Land Passages - Volume I & II - DVD

Bible Land Passages - Volume I & II - DVD
The Bible story and its message of salvation are connected to a real place and a real-time in history. In documentary style, Bible Land Passages brings that message to life by giving context to the stories and lessons of the Bible. With each video, viewers are presented with spiritual truths and the historical, archaeological, and geographical data that will guide them down a passage to stronger faith and deeper devotion for God.

It is hosted by John W. Moore, Rick Brumback, Gary Massey, Jonathan Moore, and Dewayne Bryant.
This 226-minute DVD includes English Subtitles.

PROLOGUE | About Bible Land Passages 2 Min John W. Moore M.Ed.

Passage 1 | Jerusalem: An Unforgettable City 26 Min John W. Moore M.Ed.
Passage 2 | The Ministry of Jesus in Northern Israel 18 Min Rick Brumback Ph.D.
Passage 3 | Dan: City of Unfaithfulness 18 Min Gary Massey J.D.
Passage 4 | In the Shadow of Gilboa: Reaping & Sowing 24 Min Jonathan Moore D.P.M., M.A.
Passage 5 | Treasures of Qumran: The Dead Sea Scrolls 24 Min Dewayne Bryant Ph.D.

Passage 6 | Judah: David’s Training Ground of Faith 26 Min John W. Moore M.Ed.
Passage 7 | Southern Steps: Coming Into the Presence of the Lord 19 Min Rick Brumback Ph.D.
Passage 8 | Masada: Fortress of Misplaced Faith 26 Min Gary Massey J.D.
Passage 9 | Jericho: City of Rehab 24 Min Jonathan Moore D.P.M., M.A.
Passage 10 | Khirbet Qeiyafa: Witness to David’s Kingdom 24 Min Dewayne Bryant, Ph.D.
Price: $14.00
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