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Product ID 9781584274032

Truth In Life - The Work And Qualifications Of Elders And Deacons

A 10-lesson workbook with worksheets on the qualifications of elders, deacons, and their wives. Also included is a plan for appointing elders and deacons written by Ron Halbrook. Contents: Lesson 1: Church Government Lesson 2: The Authority of the Eldership Lesson 3: The Terms to Describe Elders and Their Responsibilities Lesson 4: The Church’s Responsibility to Elders and Number of Elders in a Local Church Lesson 5: Attitudes Toward the Qualifications Lesson 6: Qualifications of an Elder Lesson 7: The Office and Work of a Deacon Lesson 8: Qualifications of Deacons Lesson 9: Qualifications of the Wives of Church Officers Lesson 10: Plan for Appointing Elders and Deacons by Ron Halbrook Worksheets
Price: $8.99
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