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Product ID 9781406758917

Church Ushers Manual - A Handbook For Church Ushers And All Others Who Would Prd

Church Ushers Manual - A Handbook for Church Ushers and All Others Who Would Promote the Spirit of Fellowship in the House of God by Williso O. Garrett

Text extracted from opening pages. FOREWORD - few forms of Christian service are adorned with loftier privileges or ladened with weightier obligations than that of ushering in the Church of Christ. Whosoever is honored with this office, should immediately declare himself for maximum efficiency. The usher is the Church's official representative of the host spirit a side of Church expressional life which in too many cases has been neglected and has resulted to the serious detriment of the Church as a soul-gripping institution. The usher cannot bear the whole burden of friendliness, but it is his privilege to stand in the gap to perform for the Church that which the Church as a whole cannot do for itself. Some men do well in this capacity without special training, but few there be who may not do better by giving the matter careful study. This, along with prayer and practice, will work wonders for any one who earnestly desires to be a good host in the house of God. 3 Foreword The purpose of this Manual is to present in brief form some of the principles of ushering and of welcoming strangers at church services. It is little more than suggestive, but if rightly used, may give inspiration to all who are willing to be helped. At least it should aid to a better appreciation of the importance of this work. Let brotherly love continue: be not forgetful to entertain strangers; for thereby some have entertained angels unawares ( Heb. 13: 1> 2)> W. O. G. Miami, Flo* CONTENTS I. THE USHER .... 7 II. THE HEAD USHER ... 29 III. THE USHERS' ASSOCIATION . 47 IV. THE PASTOR AND GOVERNING BODIES 54 INDEX 61 THE USHER I. Starting Right 1. The very foundation of efficiency in this work lies in having a right mental attitude to ward it. Start right by seeing it in its large proportions. Weigh its values. Ponder over its possibilities. Be impressed with its importance. Hold it in high esteem. 2. Think of it primarily as real Christian service. It is Kingdom work. You are working under Divine orders. Take this as your working motto: I serve the Lord Christ. As you repeat it to yourself over and over again, the Spirit will direct you as you turn your attention to a guest. 3. Resolve to give it the best that is in you. Measure up to your opportunity. Magnify the office with a whole-hearted service. And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily as unto the Lord and not unto men: knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ' 5 ( Col. 3: 24). 7 8 Church Ushers 9 Manual 4. You are receiving guests in the Church of Christ. It is of utmost importance that Christ has first place in your own heart. 5. Constantly recall that all Christian work is accomplished by the Holy Spirit He works through human instrumentality. Therefore at the very start, surrender yourself to Him and give Him a chance to work wondrously through you. Mingle prayer with your service. Get on to your knees and actually talk to God about this. Consciously turn your thoughts often to Him while performing your duties. Trust and obey Him and your deeds will count eternally. II. The Usher as Host ( A) MEETING THE GUEST, OR THE POINT OF CONTACT: 1. Frequently remind yourself of the fact that the way in which things are done is often more important than the things themselves. This is true of church-ushering. 2. Present a neat personal appearance. First impressions count much. A well groomed host appeals to observant people, while one who is careless in this regard is oft times repellent.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781406758917
Publisher: Garrett Press
Publication date: 3/28/2007
Pages: 72
Price: $29.99
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